Photo Policy

  1. Introduction
    ISKCON London may use images of children resulting from the photography/video
    filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images, this might include but is
    not limited to, use in printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and
    funding applications to further the charitable and religious aims of ISKCON. For the
    purpose of this policy, the term ‘photograph’ covers any form of visual imaging, whether
    on film or in digital format.
  2. Aims of this Policy
  • To protect the right of parents to consent to their child/children being
    photographed for purposes such as online publicity, social media, press releases and
    funding applications to further the aims of ISKCON.
  • To emphasise ISKCON’s safeguarding policy towards children on our premises or in
    our care in respect of potential inappropriate use of visual images of children.
    •To avoid children being distracted by photographic activity during events.
  1. Child Protection
    Risk occurs when a child can be identified by their names alongside photographs. We
    will not provide names for any other purpose unless special parental consent has
    been received. Only images of children in suitable dress will be taken. Photographs
    will not be taken of children when they are vulnerable, upset, hurt or in a state of

4.Parental consent
All parents are asked to give their consent for photography of their child
Images for ISKCON publications

  • ISKCON will only take and use images that are appropriate and are considered to
    not be open to misuse.
  • If an image of a child is used, the child’s name will not be published. If a name is
    published, no image will be used without specific consent.
  • Children and their parents/legal guardian will be made aware of why their
    photograph is being taken and how it will be used.
  • ISKCON recognises that images must not be used to cause distress, upset or
  • ISKCON will use photographs that represent the diversity of the children
  • Images will be kept securely and held by ISKCON as is required for a particular
    purpose, after which they will be destroyed.
  • Images of children will not be used to illustrate controversial subjects.
  1. Security
  • Photographs held by ISKCON must be annotated with the date on which they were
    taken and stored securely. They should not be used other than for their original
    purpose, unless permission of the subject is obtained.
  • Photography contributing to the history of ISKCON, its activities, or the community
    can be retained indefinitely.
  • Photographs must be destroyed or deleted from databases once they are no
    longer required for the purpose for which they were taken.
  1. Images on our website
  • ISKCON London will make sure that only appropriate images are used. Image
    filenames will avoid using children’s names.
  • The storage of electronic images will be regularly reviewed by the Temple
  • Photographs of children are used minimally and anonymously on our website.
    Parents have a right to have any photo of their child removed from the website.
  1. CCTV
  • ISKCON uses CCTV on its property as a security measure. • Cameras will only be used
    in appropriate areas and there will be clear signage indicating where it is in operation.
  1. Data Protection
  • To comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), we need your
    permission before we can photograph or make any recordings of your child.
  • ISKCON takes appropriate technical and organisational security measures to
    ensure that images of children held by it are kept securely, and protected from
    loss or misuse, and in particular will take reasonable steps to ensure that
    members of staff only have access to images of children where it is necessary for
    them to do so.
  • Employees and Volunteers are given guidance on the importance of ensuring
    that images of children are made and used responsibly, only for ISKCON’s purposes,
    and in accordance with ISKCON’s policies and the law.
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International Society For Krishna Consciousness
Founder Acarya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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Daily from 04:30 till 21:30