
Join Us in Supporting Girls and Women Facing Abuse in Vrindavan

 Hare Krishna,

Every year, thousands of girls and women encounter unimaginable challenges, from forced child marriages to domestic abuse, and the denial of educational opportunities. However, hope shines through with organizations like Food for Life Vrindavan and Women’s Aid UK, providing essential support, education, shelter, and counseling to those in need.

We are proud to present “Daughter” by Kal Key feat. Sonna Rele, a powerful prayer to Radharani, shedding light on the struggles these girls face.
It serves as both a poignant message and a tool for raising awareness.

Here’s how you can make a difference:

Stream “Daughter” to help generate funds, with all proceeds benefiting Food for Life Vrindavan and Women’s Aid UK.

Together, let’s amplify our impact and stand in solidarity with those who need it most.

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International Society For Krishna Consciousness
Founder Acarya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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Temple Opening Hours

Daily from 04:30 till 21:30