Bhakti Steps

Coming Soon

Bhakti Steps

Become part of a Bhakti steps group to engage in Krishna katha, Kirtan, Japa and learning the various skills and arts of devotional service.

Dear devotees of Sri Sri Radha Londonisvara,

Hare Krishna!

I would like to introduce you to a new initiative from ISKCON London called Bhakti Steps. With Bhakti Steps comes a new wave of devotional enthusiasm sweeping our temple!

I’ve seen over the few years of being here that there are so many devotees who’ve been coming for a long time, or haven’t been coming for very long at all, and haven’t got a regular sanga to belong to or have regular training or education in the science of Krsna consciousness.

Srila Prabhupada wanted his temples to be places where devotees can get together and make progress in Bhakti yoga.

Through Bhakti Steps we are training a new generation of group leaders and you are all invited to become part of a Bhakti steps group to engage in Krishna katha, Kirtan, Japa and learning the various skills and arts of devotional service.

Through Bhakti steps, we can grow our community not only in terms of size but also in terms of depth by refining our mood of service and our quality of interaction between the devotees to intensify our loving exchanges and love for Krishna.

Sign up today and someone from our team will be delighted to connect you to this enriching journey of spiritual growth and devotion.

Bhakti Steps | ISKCON London

Your servant,

Dayal Mora das

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International Society For Krishna Consciousness
Founder Acarya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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Temple Opening Hours

Daily from 04:30 till 21:30